How many Watts does a PoE switch use – Are the newer network switches more power efficient?

In light of the current global price hikes for energy, you’re very much justified in worrying about how many Watts your PoE switch actually uses. And, unless you have solar panels to enable your ‘lavish’ lifestyle, you’re going to have a bad time running too many networking devices at the same time, especially if they’re … Read more

Do WiFi 6 routers have better range?


I do get the question of whether the WiFi 6 routers have better range from time to time and my answer is that some do have a better range than the WiFi 5 router, while some don’t. It’s only normal that an expensive new piece of technology will behave better than an old, battle-scarred router. … Read more

Does the type of WiFi adapter matter (for gaming)?

Yes, the type of WiFi adapter does matter, especially for gaming, but you don’t necessarily need to go for the most expensive option. Certainly, nothing beats an Ethernet connection, yet, but a good wireless router paired with a compatible WiFi client device can achieve a stable performance as long as you limit the amount of … Read more

What’s the most suitable channel width for 5GHz?


If we were to follow the values on the router boxes, the most suitable channel width for 5GHz would be 160MHz, with every other setting pushed to the maximum (including the transmit power). And, while I won’t deny that it’s entirely possible to see a better throughput this way, these overhyped features and inflated numbers … Read more